Biohumus Leon V.P. is a high quality leonardite humus fermentation product and is recommended for use in organic farming.
The soil is a biologically living environment, in which, in addition to the rhizosphere, there is fauna and flora that contribute to the conversion of humus. During the formation of humus, on the one hand, the decomposition of the original organic substance takes place, on the other hand, the synthesis of new complex humic compounds (humification) takes place. Humus gives the soil a dark color so that it heats up faster and the seeds also germinate faster. Biohumus Leon V.P. is a product of excellent quality leonardite fermentation-humus for this reason and is recommended for use in organic agriculture.
It is a soil-improving fertilizer which consists mainly of organic matter (humic and fulvic acids 10-12%) and 50,000,000 beneficial microorganisms. Harmful to the soil and plants are found next to the beneficial soil microorganisms. In a study on the evaluation of the effectiveness of organic substrates in suppressing the action of certain pathogenic microorganisms (Ver-ticillium dahliae) that infect cultivated plants, Biohumus Leon V.P. showed the greatest repression.
Due to its special characteristics Biohumus Leon V.P. It has advantages over traditional organic fertilizers. The humic and fulvic acids contained in Biohumus Leon V.P. contribute to:
• Release of nutrients present in the soil and the breakdown of inorganic compounds into forms assimilable by plants
• Increase cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) and adjust soil pH
• Solubilization of salts • Development of microbial biomass
• Activation of plant enzymes
With Biohumus Leon V.P. achieved:
• Increase soil fertility and improve structure
• Enrichment of the soil with organic matter and microorganisms
• Improvement of soil water capacity and development of a rich root system
• Increase in microbiological activity
Utilization of inorganic fertilizers The proposed application doses in each case depend on the data of soil analysis and foliar diagnostics.
For more information consult your agronomist or the technical department of our company.
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